The Education Centre is an incredible initiative that has taken on a Life of it’s own. It is a hive of activity since inception. Troye Terblanche, our resident teacher has established 4 groups of 27 learners amongs staff and caddies (basic literacy, advanced literacy, pre-amended senior certificate - matric equivalent). We are also blessed to have resources whitin our group of caddies that we can call on to assist us with our Amended Senior Certificate groups. Godwin as a qualified engineer can assist. with Geography, English and LO. The sense of community is heart-warming.
CCM Cleaning, Maintenance and Landscaping Services have taken on the sponsorship of our Caddy uniforms from August 2019. Their big monthly contribution ensures the caddies have a laundered uniform to work in every day. We would like to really thank members Marc and Jacqui Du Chenne and Alex Fischer for this enormous contribution. By sponsoring the caddy uniforms we are able to afford other wonderful benefits like Rain Day assistance and Christmas vouchers.
- Health & Wellness awareness days
- IT related equipment for the Education Centre
- General stationary for the Education Centre
- Running cost of the Education Centre
- Outside seating area for staff i.e. benches, tables and chairs
- Adult learning courses
Our two bursary students, Dineo Mathobela and Ntwanono Ngomana are doing very well. Ntwanono has completed his B Tech Town Planning and we are actively looking for a mentor to give him his necessary work experience. Dineo is in her 2nd year of Mathematical Sciences at UNISA. Please contact if you are able to assist with this request.