Mulamulelei Tshitangano is a beneficiary of The Bryanston Country Club Trust. She approached us through her guardian who is an employee of The Club. Mulamuleli is currently studying towards her diploma in Language Practice at Tshwane University of technology. Having never studied French before, The BCC Trust has assisted in funding French lessons through Alliance Francaise for Mulameleli. Her current mid-year mark for French is a whopping 91%.
Mulamuleli Tshitangano is a 20 years old multi-award-winning author. She was born and raised in Limpopo Venda wherein she attended both her primary and secondary school in a small village, Mutshenzheni, until she matriculated in 2019. In 2020 she became a member of FundZa writing program as one of their authors as well as a writer on Dreame which is also known as story writing. She is a provincial award winner for MAMA 2021/2022 awards as the best writer in Limpopo, a 2022 African honoree global writers’ awards winner. She also received her recognition certificate as the best nominee for Kadzukuphi 2021/2022 awards under the category of the best writer. Mulamuleli is a published poetess of a book titled ‘I shall find the light’ which is an anthology of poems published in July 2021. She recently published her second book titled ‘Beauty with Scars’ which is a non-fiction novel, categorized into 6 chapters. It is a reflection book with the purpose of changing the societal perspective when it comes to women. It promotes self-growth, self-worth, self-awareness, and self-love. Furthermore, it encourages independence, women empowerment as well as discouraging the act of GBV, rape, abuse and etc. It touches on the wellness of relationships (any form of relationships), self-productivity, parenting, and many more that I couldn't list. She has managed to submit this one to the department of education for evaluation. Her vision for it is to be in bookstores and universities.